Cecily Paterson

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Autism. Robot shirt.

My, my, what a cheesy grin. 

Here is Bright Eyes in his Robot Shirt that he made with K, his aide at school. You will notice the on and off switches. Apparently it's an automatic 'on' switch, he informed me when I tried to turn him off. 

The 'blast' switch is something I probably could have lived without, but I suppose it all goes towards helping imagination!

School is going pretty well in general. When Bright Eyes' RDI consultant visited us last week we had a meeting with K and the teacher and we were all happy with the progress he was making in the class.

All of the issues he had at the beginning of the year - things like not making transitions from floor to desk and yelling for help all the time - are really non-issues now.

As his teacher says, "He's blending much more."

He's also gotten rid of a big fear - thunderstorms. Which is good because we had a cracker the other day. I reckon we even had lightening strike in the church yard. (Yes, go on, make your jokes.)

However, he has swapped that fear for another - the fear of cows. Which made him extremely unwilling to go with his class on the dairy farm excursion today. No matter. He stayed home and I worked him to the bone with housework jobs and homework.

We had a good opportunity to model and practice self-assessment. His objective is to be able to stop, look at what he has done and decide if it's good enough. Every time we made a bed or plumped a cushion, we'd stop and say, "What do we think? Is it good enough?" Sometimes the answer would be no, so we'd fix it and ask the same question again, and come back with a yes. He's definitely getting the idea because he would stop and ask me, "What do you think? Good enough?" without me having to do all the modelling.