Cecily Paterson

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My list of resources from Love, Tears & Autism

At the back of my book, Love, Tears & Autism, I made a list of books and websites that might be helpful for parents and friends of an autistic child. Here it is, reproduced in full for you - a gift for 2012. 




Autism Aspergers: Solving the Relationship Puzzle--A New Developmental Program that Opens the Door to Lifelong Social and Emotional Growth, Steven E. Gutstein, 2001, Future Horizons
This book has lots of practical things you can do at home with your child.
Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Dr. Natasha Cameron-McBride, 2004 Medinform Publishing
A wonderfully clear explanation of the effect of the gut and digestion on the brain, and some ideas on how to get a child to eat good foods. (Hey, although they didn’t work for me, it doesn’t mean they’re no good!)
I Love you Rituals, Dr Rebecca Anne Bailey, 2000, Harper paperbacks
A lovely book with wonderful ideas on how to spend quality time with all your children.
Learning as we Grow, Beurkens, Roon & Kowalczyk, published by Horizons centre, available online at http://www.horizonsdrc.com/store/learning-as-we-grow
This book is great for practical ideas to make school life easier for child and teacher.
My Baby Can Dance: Stories of Autism, Asperger's and Success Through the Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) Program, Steven E. Gutstein (ed), 2006, Connections Center Publications
Some real life stories of families doing the RDI program.
Take heart - For families living with disability, Kate Hurley (ed), 2009 Blue Bottle Press 
Thoughts on God, the bible, disability and the gifts and tragedies that can go hand in hand.
The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children, Ross W Greene, 2010, Harper Paperbacks
Practical, paradigm-changing and worth every cent. I love this book and I keep giving it away.
The RDI Book: Forging New Pathways for Autism, Aspergers and PDD with the Relationship Development Intervention Program, Gutstein, Baird & Gutstein, 2009, Connections Center
Probably the most comprehensive explanation of the basic concepts of the RDI program and the science behind them. It’s not an easy read, but very worthwhile.


If lobbying government and working for change interests you, you could get involved here
This may be where you want to start if you’re looking for a diagnosis or some immediate help or resources or to sort out early intervention government funding. Make a donation to support their work.
My boy benefited from kinesiology in the year that he started school. It helped his coordination, concentration and fine motor skills
Look here to find an RDI consultant in Australia.
If you liked the sound of Dr Greene’s three basket approach, check out his website here.
Homeopathy has definitely helped Cameron’s moods and outlook on life and is worth a try.
This is a US based site, but it has a good blog to follow and plenty of practical information.
This blog by a mum of a young boy with ASD inspired me to continue on and to work to see the same amazing results for my son. I’d love to see my son’s diagnosis changed a few years down the track.
All about nutrition and its effect on the brain – not just concerning ASD, but also diabetes, asthma, ADHD, dyspraxia and dyslexia. There are good resources to be found here and details about conferences and seminars.
The home page of the Relationship Development Intervention program. Lots here – including forums and information.