Cecily Paterson

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Domestic goddess

There's something about being in the country, having a great kitchen and having a seven year old desperately keen to help make things for our 'restaurant' which is bringing out the experimental cook in me.

It's also the fact that the three year old is now on a gluten free diet, and gluten free food is v-e-r-y ex-pen-sive! I have shuddered at our grocery bills the last two weeks, and I know it's time for old fashioned 'mom' values and know-how to kick in.

Thus today, I have made my own yoghurt. And mixed up a container of special chai tea to serve to guests. And juiced carrots, cabbage, kiwifruit, pear and next-door neighbour plums together in a special 'healthy' concoction for the child who refuses all vegetables. And this week we baked cornbread, banana muffins and cranberry-pistachio loaf together. (I think she's mostly keen to lick the bowl.)

For the curious, here's the chai tea mix:

3 tbsps or so of milk powder
1/4 tsp ground cardamum
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp all spice

Shake it all up and add a teaspoon or so to a mug of hot black tea with sugar. mmmm.