Cecily Paterson

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Thinking. The year to do things.

I think I am having a mini midlife crisis.  Assuming I'll live to the venerable age of 80, that makes me just about at the midpoint of my life.  And I haven't yet achieved my biggest goal in life yet -- to write a bestseller or three.

So, this is the year to do the books.

Most of the books I have been reading from the library in the last six months are all about writing, crafting and plotting out novels.  I have learned a lot and I think I'm ready to put it into practice.

To do this, however, I will need to make the time.  So my commitment to myself is to stop frittering my time away on facebook in particular and start really using the 10 minute and 15 minutes slots that I have to write stories.  If you see me being an "animal" on facebook, as one of my friends described me recently, please give me a metaphorical slap on the hand.  This is the year I want to achieve what I've been planning for the last 30 years.