Cecily Paterson

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And the most popular blog post here is... all about bread

No. This is not sourdough. These are brownies. Made by me, also in the thermomix. Want the recipe for these? Go here. 

I write a lot about the serious stuff here on this blog. You know, people, and relationships and God and grief and hurt. So it's kind of funny that the *most* popular post I've ever written is about bread.


Sourdough bread. Made in a Thermomix. That's the winner on this blog. Forget all my musings and my ponderings and my Deep, Wise Insights. It comes down to flour, water and salt. And a nifty machine.

My friend says I should sell the recipe. Ha ha ha ha ha. Who would buy it? Maybe what I should do is say at the end of the post, "Hey, I write books too. And the books are probably better than the bread. Wanna buy one?"

Is there a lesson to be learned here? Man does not live on bread alone... Maybe not. But man certainly Googles thermomix sourdough recipes a whole lot.

Okay. If you've landed on this blog post and you just want to get to the recipe, it's right. here. Happy now? Go make some bread. And then maybe look at my books? Pretty please...