Cecily Paterson

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Making: pillowcase dress

There are some days when I just have to make something specific and I can't rest until it's done. Tonight this little dress was the result of several tangents that intersected at just the right time.

This is what happened.

During the week my friend sent me some Pakistani material that had been sitting for too long in her cupboard, but she also threw in this gorgeous little bird fabric. "I don't know why I bought it in the first place," she said.

Earlier today I did some sewing with my daughter making cushions for her blue and white themed room. Out came the spots, and the two fabrics just seemed to sing in harmony. "I have to do something with those," I thought.

Unconnected, I finally remembered to RSVP for a friend's two year old's birthday party on Saturday. "Oh, but I don't have a present," I thought. "And I've got no opportunity to shop for one."

That's when I saw the bird-art party invitations and it all fell into place.

I fiddled around for a while looking at patterns for aprons and smocks but nothing seemed right until I remembered Pillowcase dresses. This tutorial gave me the measurements and a helpful tip about using bias binding for the armholes. I got it cut out in fifteen minutes before my favourite TV show, Survivor, sewed it during the ads and had it done by the time Philip was voted out in a shock turnaround.