How To Be Happy #8: Move ya bod

move ya bod

I decided that I needed to be fitter one year. I started off running with my teenage daughter. She, unfortunately for me, flew like the wind while I looked like a gasping, overweight whale who had just grown some legs.

But, no matter. I swallowed my pride, put on my runners and jogged. FOR TWO WHOLE MINUTES, PEOPLE! I was proud of myself. I gave myself invisible high fives and waddled home to take a shower.

The next day I ran for two minutes and 15 seconds. The day after that I ran for two minutes and 30 seconds. The day after that, I ran for nearly three minutes.

You get the picture.

Three months later, I was at a place where I could run for 25 minutes straight, all the way from my house to the bridge and back. I wasn’t fast, and everything hurt but I got there, and I got back.

And you know the best thing? I didn’t start running because I wanted to be happier. My reason was only to get stronger and to prove that there was nothing wrong with me. That has happened. But the added benefit was that I was in much better moods than before. I figure 25 minutes of running pain for a whole day of enthusiastic, happy energy is totally worth it.

Now, I’m an ace at deciding I need to do something. I make all sorts of plans, all of them starting with one word.


We’re so good at putting stuff off, aren’t we. Even if we know we’re putting off something that’s going to be good for us, or make us happier.

Here are two ways to make starting – today – much easier.

First, make it really, really easy to do.

Second, reward yourself when you’re done.

You know what I’m going to say, don’t you. I’m going to say you’ve got to start exercising more – today. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not when the rain stops or the weather gets warmer. Today. The exercise is going to make you happier.

So. Do something really easy – for a really short amount of time.

And reward yourself (preferably with something other than chocolate) when you’re done.

And then do it all over again - and just a little bit more - tomorrow.

Put your pen down. Don’t read anymore of this post until you’ve got out there and done something active.

Now… what did you do? What reward did you give yourself? And how do you feel now?

Put some funky music on and dance in your room. Big moves! Make it awesome! Dance for at least four songs.

Challenge: Organise with a friend to exercise a couple of times a week together. Go on ask!


Want more on how to be happy? Check out the rest of Cecily Paterson's How To Be Happy blog series for more tips and advice.

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How To Be Happy #7: Exercise makes you happier